Monday, September 2, 2024

A Writer's Week #133: Enough Promotion, Time to Write!

 Hello everyone. Happy Labor Day! I hope you are all having a restful weekend and are enjoying the beginning of the end of summer.

I've been spending a lot of my time this past week prepping for the Litchfield County Irish Festival in New Milford, CT on the 7th and 8th. I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope to see many of my Connecticut friends there.

I've also begun writing a new book that popped into my head a couple of weeks ago. From what I can tell, it will be a teen/young adult fantasy. I'm writing it in the first person, and it's definitely a little more grown up than what I've published so far on my writing journey.

The working title right now is Quirk. It's from the point of view of a 17 year old orphan (I guess) who lives in a mountain village called Naguu in a remote corner of whatever kingdom they're in. Quirk is a little snarky and he has to live by his wits. I am also thinking he has some special powers, but is only slightly aware of them right now, and that he has some inkling that this is not the first life he's been plunked down in.

As you can probably guess, I don't have a clear vision for how this story will unfold. I'm learning a lot of things right along with Quirk. I do have a vague idea of where it's going, but as to how we get there...we'll just have to wait and see. I think when you're Writing first person, you kind of have to discover things along with the character, otherwise they come across as too puppet-like. The big danger, though, is being careful to ramble too much. you have to stay dialed in to moving the plot along most of the time.

Anyhow, I was fiddling around with AI and I came up with two interpretations of Quirk. It's my first time dabbling in this. I don't intend to illustrate my book and the cover in this way, but I wanted to give you a peek into what he looks like. The top image is a whole lot closer to where he is right now. Will he progress to picture number two? Perhaps...and perhaps not. We'll have to see how the story unfolds.