Saturday, December 28, 2024

A Writer's Weeks #135: 2024--Looking Back & Looking Ahead

As 2024 winds down, I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for helping make the year so successful for me. It's really been a remarkable year as I look back on it. 

First of all, I released two books, something I've never done before. Now, granted, both books took a long time to write, but completing them and laying them out and working with the talented Emily Hurst Pritchett on the substantial artwork for them took only about nine months. In February, The Deliverers Book 4: Sparkling Mist of Time was released. As the Owl Flies, Uplifting Stories and Poems came out in July.

I now had five books, and I hit the road with them. I took part in 16 author signings and craft shows, which I think is the most I've ever done in a year. From a sale viewpoint, a handful were truly outstanding, and there were a handful of clunkers. But no matter how successful they were saleswise, all were valuable, informative, and fun. I really love meeting people and talking with them about my writing and books in general. I love meeting fellow authors, comparing notes and sharing ideas. It's one of my favorite things about being an author.

The Deliverers, Book 1:  Sharky and the Jewel  won an award, the 2024 Golden Wizard. I also had the pleasure of working with Lena Hibala on the audio book version of As the Owl Flies. She certainly brought the stories and poems alive with her outstanding storytelling! 

Yes, it's certainly been a wonderful year, and again, I'd like to thank all of you for help making it possible. So, what will 2025 bring? I have a couple things that I will focus on, but I'll save that information for my first Writer's Week post of the new year. Until then, may you all have a great holiday season, and a safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year!


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