Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Writer's Week #134: Busy Times

 So I have to say that September was a very busy--and fun--month for me. I had three events during the month, which is quite a bit. They were all rewarding in their own ways. I was able to meet and greet young readers at all three, which is something I love above all else.

For me, the most rewarding experience I had was my author signing at the BookSmiths Shoppe in Danbury, CT on September 14. It was a fantastic experience. Michelle is extremely reading and author friendly. I can't tell you what it means as an author to have someone in the community as supportive of local authors and young readers.

At the event, I was able to share thoughts about my writing process and some of the experiences I've had on my author's journey. There were several young readers who were forming a book club and a couple that were writing their own books. One young lady had written almost 60 pages. I was able to read the first few pages, and I must say, she had a great story idea. I'm looking forward to reading more!

I was also able to take part in the Litchfield County Irish American Club's Irish Festival on September 7 & 8 in New Milford, CT. This was new for me. It was the first time I had sold my books at a two-day event. Even though it was a larger fee, it was entirely worth is, in spite of the fact that day one was shortened by rain. The crowds on both days were great and I managed to make some money and see some folks I hadn't seen for a while, and make some new friends, too.

It also marked the debut of my new 6-foot Deliverers banner that I'll be using for outdoor shows. It looks really nice, and I've had multiple comments on it. I think I missed a slight opportunity by not making it two-sided, but it definitely draws attention, as does the video display and wireless speaker that I've started using to play my video book trailers. The music attracts folks and then they stay to find out about the books and perhaps watch the videos. I'm thinking about maybe making a video incorporating excerpts from my two audio books. What do you think?

Anyhow, last month was great, and this month is off to a fantastic start. I had an event in Bethel, CT this past weekend, and another one is scheduled in my town of New Fairfield, CT on the 26th.

In addition to that, I'm up to over 9,500 words of my new teen/YA novel, Quirk. I'm hoping the first draft will be complete by the middle of next year. You can check out the first and second chapters in my two previous posts. I've got a page set up here.

I guess that's about it for now. I'm truly grateful for all the support everyone has given me, and I look forward to all the great things yet to come on this journey. Until next time, be well.



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